Romeo y Julieta Eternal cigars are a celebration of Romeo y Julieta creating handmade premium cigars for over 145 years. These top-shelf gems are the result of the collaboration between Tabacalera U.S.A. head of product capability Rafael Nodal and the famous Plasencia family, who grow some of the best tobaccos on the planet on their Nicaraguan farms. Available in a single 6x54 size, these gems are made with 100% Nicaraguan tobaccos grown on the Plasencia farms for the long fillers, wrapper, and binder, all of which have been extensively aged and the wrapper is double fermented to bring out a rich sweetness from the leaf. If you are lucky enough to try one of these good smokes, your palate will be flooded with a medium-full bodied smoke that elegantly provides notes of earth, cocoa, cinnamon, nuts, and spice that have top-notch complexity. Available for only a limited time, order a box of Romeo y Julieta Eternal cigars for your humidor today at