Room 101 is a line of boutique-style handmade premium cigars that are produced by Matt Booth in Nicaragua. A name that may not be familiar with fans of more traditional brands, Matt Booth is a man of many talents. Along with being one the hottest cigarmakers in the industry, Matt was a sound engineer at West Hollywood’s Whisky a Go Go, renowned jewelry maker , and former Marine. When not creating cigars, Matt still crafts his masculine jewelry that is featured online, and in many high-end shops throughout the world. Room 101 cigars came onto the scene in 2009 and has since amassed a portfolio of highly popular blends that includes the Big Payback, Ltd Namakubi, Daruma Gold, San Andres, Doomsayer, and Farce. By combining West Coast hip with Far East tradition, every Room 101 blend offers a uniquely delicious cigar smoking experience. Modern smokers have come to love these creative, and edgy Room 101 brand smokes, but they are also perfect for old-fashioned cigar smokers looking step outside of their comfort zones and discover some exciting new blends.