Bearing the historic name of the Port of Havana, Saint Luis Rey Carenas handmade premium cigars are Cuban-style smokes that are a new favorite in my humidor. Rolled by hand at the famous Flor de Copan cigar factory in Honduras and blended by the Grupo de Maestros of Altadis, USA, these gems are composed of masterfully aged Honduran long filler and binder tobaccos that are coated by a top-quality Nicaraguan wrapper. When I sparked up a stick to try for myself, my palate was greeted by spice, earth, leather, and pepper notes that have impeccably good balance and a medium-bodied profile. Not only that, the construction is top-notch so I get an effortless draw with every cigar and I hardly have to worry about a touch-up. Available in four popular sizes and a shockingly affordable price, order yourself a box of Saint Luis Rey Carenas cigars online today at