To celebrate 10 years of crafting handmade premium cigars, brand owner Pete Johnson decided to release Tatuaje 10th Anniversary cigars. 10 years in this business is a long time, especially when you consider that Pete Johnson began this journey as a rock musician with no experience in creating top-quality cigars. Since 2003, Tatuaje has not only lasted in the industry, but they have dominated it, with the popular Skinny Monsters line making them famous. To celebrate this 10-year milestone, Pete has crafted the Tatuaje 10th Anniversary, a dark and robust Nicaraguan puro that was hand rolled in Estelí, at the legendary My Father factory with their signature top-notch construction. When first lit, your mouth will fill with deliciously good and complex flavors such as leather, coffee, cocoa, spice, with a creamy note at the end in a rich and bold medium-full bodied profile. These gems are a worthy addition to any aficionado’s humidor. Available in two vitolas, order a box of 20 Tatuaje 10th Anniversary cigars online today with Please be advised that Tatuaje Cigars is currently experiencing a box production shortage. Products may come in bundles.