The Griffin's Cigars
Serving as Davidoff’s value-priced brand, The Griffin’s cigars are a great way for me to enjoy the luxury flavors of Davidoff at an unbeatably affordable price. Davidoff is one of the Dominican Republic’s most famous cigar makers; the brand has a history of producing incredible top-shelf cigars centered around Dominican tobaccos and their rich diversity. However, it would cost an awful lot of money to enjoy Davidoff every day!
That’s where The Griffin’s comes in clutch. For a far more reasonable price than your typical Davidoff, The Griffin’s are made at the very same factory in the Dominican Republic with the same top-notch construction as their more expensive cousins.
Using a core of finely aged Dominican long filler and binder leaf covered by a silky-smooth Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper, these gems are my go-to for an easy-going smoking experience. The Griffin’s delivers an inviting mellow-medium bodied smoke laced with creamy notes of cocoa, nuts, cedar, dark roasted coffee, and dashes of tobacco sweetness that keep my palate livened.
The smooth welcoming flavors combined with an approachable price means that The Griffin’s have a constant presence in my humidor so I can enjoy whenever the cravings call. Available in several popular sizes, ranging from classic premium sizes to petite Puritos, get your hands on The Griffin’s cigars by placing your online order with today.
- 5 × 50 · Natural
- 3.37 × 20 · Natural
No. 300 Tubo
- 6.25 × 44 · Natural
No. 500
- 5.06 × 42 · Natural
No. 300
- 6.25 × 44 · Natural
- 5.5 × 52 · Natural
- 7.5 × 50 · Natural
Robusto Tubo
- 5 × 50 · Natural
- 6.25 × 52 · Natural
- 4.5 × 52 · Natural