The defining characteristic of Viaje handmade premium cigars is quality over quality. Every single blend from Viaje is made in small batches to ensure that every stick has top-notch construction, consistency, and attention to detail, so that connoisseurs get a perfect smoke from each top-shelf stogie. Founded in 2008 by brand owner Andre Farkas, Viaje Cigars has grown to a massive portfolio of top-rated blends that are all made in small batches or in limited releases. The blends range all the way from mellow-medium to full bodied and use top-shelf tobaccos for the long fillers, binders, and wrappers, all of which have been extensively aged for refined, complex flavors. Among the most famous lines from Viaje Cigars is the Zombies line, having several highly sought-after iterations since its introduction in 2011. Expand the collection of small-batch Viaje Cigars offerings in your humidor by ordering boxes or singles online from today.