If you are on the hunt for a rich and flavorful line of premium cigars that are affordably priced, then you found it here with the hot new line of Nicaroma cigars. Produced by the famed Villiger Company in Nicaragua, Nicaroma cigars are available three tasty wrapper varieties that surround the finest aged Nicaraguan binder and long filler tobaccos. To please a wide variety of smoking styles, each blend is available in three popular big ring sizes: (5 x 50) Robusto, (6 x 50) Toro, and a massive (6 x 60) Gordo. Covered by a gorgeous, silky blonde Connecticut wrapper, Nicaroma Connecticut cigars deliver a tapestry of smooth and inviting flavors that includes cedar, leather, sweet spice, and cocoa. The Habano wrapped line delivers complex notes of earth, pepper, cinnamon, and cream, while the Maduro wrapped variety serves up mouthwatering nuances of chocolate, earth, pepper, and hints of dark fruit. Every blend in the Nicaroma brand portfolio is medium bodied in strength, making it the perfect cigar for every style of smoker. Order your favorite wrapper style from Cigars.Com today and enjoy the latest offerings from Villiger— a world famous company that’s been pleasing smokers since 1888.