Warped Companion premium cigars are not only the second ever Warped cigar to come from the Dominican Republic, but they are also the second blend to feature Mexican tobacco in the blend. Crafted at the brand new Tabacalera La Isla cigar factory in the Dominican Republic following the popular Chinchalle, Companion is crafted with aged Dominican long fillers with a bit of Nicaraguan leaf added in. The 80/20 blend of fillers are held together by a vintage Dominican Criollo ’98 binder and dressed in a top-shelf San Andres Mexican wrapper boasting a gorgeous dark-brown maduro hue. Companion provides me with an amazingly well-balanced and savory medium-bodied smoke delivering a bouquet of dark chocolate, black cherry, nuts, cedar, spice, and earth notes that dance on my palate in harmony. The new favorite in my humidor, get a new companion for your collection by ordering Warped Companion cigars online from Cigars.com today.