A cigar concept that brand owner and master blender Kyle Gellis has been perfecting since the early days of Warped Cigars, Warped Devil’s Hands cigars are some of the best yet to come from this talented and creative cigar maker. There are several single-sized brands under the top-rated Warped umbrella like Eagles Descent, Nicotina, and Chinchalle, but these are probably the best yet from the talented blender.
Most Nicaraguan puros on the market today feature tobaccos from all over the country. Warped Devil’s Hands are Nicaraguan puros, however the tobaccos come from only two regions: Esteli and Jalapa, with a particular focus on Esteli. The extensively aged Corojo ’99 and Criollo ’98 long fillers and Criollo ’98 binder are all grown on Aganorsa Leaf farms in Esteli. Esteli tobaccos are renowned for their robust boldness.
The wrapper, however, is a vintage Corojo ’99 leaf also grown by Aganorsa in Jalapa, where the leaf has a more balanced, sweeter profile. These top-shelf tobaccos are brought together into a lone 6x44 Corona Especials size at Agricola Ganadera Nortena S.A., also known as the famous AGANORSA factory in Nicaragua.
The thinner size allows the Jalapa and Esteli tobaccos to complement each other flawlessly, summing up to a rich, complex, and incredibly satisfying medium-full bodied smoke brimming with notes of peppery spice, leather, charred wood, roasted nuts, earth, coffee, and tobacco sweetness. If you have a seasoned palate like I do, then the Devil’s Hands will make a fine addition to your humidor.
Packaged in boxes of 25, I order my Warped Devil’s Hands cigars online from Cigars.com to get them delivered fresh and fast right to my mailbox.