Warped has captured my palate with their boutique medium-bodied blends, but brand owner Kyle Gellis truly captivated me with Warped Nicotina premium cigars. Nicotina is an old Cuban cigar brand from the 1880s, and to honor those Cuban roots Warped turned to none other than the famous Aganorsa cigar company to aid in the endeavor. Crafted at Aganorsa’s cigar factory in Esteli, Nicaragua, and using Aganorsa’s tobaccos, these gems are Nicaraguan puros through and through with an amazing blend of vintage Criollo ’98 and Corojo ’99 tobaccos surrounded by a top-shelf Corojo ’99 wrapper. Once I sparked up the 5.5x52 box-pressed Belicoso vitola, my palate is drenched in a bold and rich yet balanced medium-full bodied smoke with complex Cubanesque flavors that I simply cannot get enough of. Offered here at Cigars.com in boxes of 25, perfect for stuffing in the humidor, order some Warped Nicotina cigars online today and enjoy a complex and refined smoke!