It's A Girl / 5.25 x 44
Throughout the years, Bering cigars has consistently provided the cigar community with excellent and high-quality yet budget-friendly smokes. Offerings like Bering Imperial It's A Girl is another instance. Always a great option, the blend is bold but not overpowering and well suited for those looking for a mellow-medium bodied cigar. Lightly fragranced, the 5.25 X 44 treat is crafted of expertly aged premium tobaccos from all over the world including Nicauragua and the Dominican Republic. Hand rolled in a Connecticut shade wrapper lending a unique touch, notes of earth and leather are present. At the center, binders and fillers from four growing regions round out the cigar with zesty flair. One draw and that’s all it takes for you to want to turn to this cigar to celebrate all of life’s accomplishments as the notes are so rewarding and entrancing. Shop Cigars online for your very own box of 25.
Box of 25 Aluminum Tubes
- Qty
- $44.98
- Length 5.25
- Ring 44
- Wrapper Type Connecticut Shade
- Binder Honduras
- Filler Dominican Republic/Honduras/Mexico/Nicaragua
- Origin Honduras
- Strength Mellow - Medium
- Wrapper Shade EMS
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