Espada by Montecristo Signature
Valiente / 6 x 55
Montecristo and Plasencia are some of the best premium cigar makers on the market on the market, and with Espada by Montecristo Signature Valiente cigars they have teamed up yet again to provide us with another luxury smoke. The fourth entry in the popular Espada series, these stocky 6x55 treats feature expertly aged Nicaraguan long filler and binder tobaccos from the Esteli region all beautifully dressed in a top-shelf Nicaraguan Jalapa Colorado Claro wrapper. Valiente’s stocky posture provides me with tons of smoke production, enriched with complex medium-bodied flavors of white pepper, chocolate, leather, spice, earth, and molasses that are just decadently good. If you want a top-shelf smoke in your humidor, order yourself a box of 10 Espada by Montecristo Signature Valiente cigars online from today!
Box of 10
- Qty
- $153.99
- Length 6
- Ring 55
- Wrapper Type Nicaragua
- Binder Nicaragua
- Filler Nicaragua
- Origin Nicaragua
- Strength Medium
- Wrapper Shade EMS
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