Romeo y Julieta 1875 Nicaragua
Toro / 6 x 50
The Romeo y Julieta 1875 Nicaragua Toro cigar offered a bold and delicious departure from its famous Dominican counterpart. Turning to the renowned Plasencia family to create a modern take on this classic brand, my palate was engulfed with delicious full-bodied flavors of earth, white pepper, espresso, and that signature Nicaraguan tobacco sweetness. I’ll still smoke my Dominican Romeo’s throughout the day, and savor these more powerful sticks in the evening with a few casual cocktails.
Box of 25
Pack of 10
- Qty
- $173.69
- Length 6
- Ring 50
- Wrapper Type Nicaragua
- Binder Nicaragua
- Filler Nicaragua
- Origin Nicaragua
- Strength Full
- Wrapper Shade EMS
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