Zino Nicaragua
Gordo / 6 x 60
A rich, luxurious smoke that is affordable enough for me to enjoy daily, Zino Nicaragua Gordo cigars are a staple of my daily rotation. These cigars are named after the legendary cigar maker Zino Davidoff who would eventually develop the famous Davidoff brand. They are rolled in Honduras into a stocky 6x60 size with an aged center of Dominican, Honduran, and Nicaraguan long fillers bunched inside a thick Nicaraguan binder and dressed in a top-quality Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper. It has a balanced medium-bodied profile that makes it a fine choice for any time of day, and the bountiful flavors of dark chocolate, cream, espresso, sweet spice, nuts, and earth pair wonderfully with either a midday coffee or an after-dinner spirit. To keep my humidor full of Zino Nicaragua Gordo cigars, I order boxes of 25 online from Cigars.com.
Box of 25
low stock
only 8 items left!
- Qty
- $184.99
- Length 6
- Ring 60
- Wrapper Type Ecuador Connecticut
- Binder Nicaragua
- Filler Dominican Republic/Honduras/Nicaragua
- Origin Honduras
- Strength Full
- Wrapper Shade EMS
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