Zino Nicaragua

Robusto / 5 x 54

Zino are a premium line of cigars from the Davidoff group, which means guaranteed quality and the finest sourced tobacco in the world. This particular addition to the wildly popular Zino Platinum-Z Class, dubbed Zino Nicaragua, is a 5x54 blend of Ecuadorian seed Connecticut wrapper, a rare Semilla 56 Seco binder from Nicaragua, and long filler tobaccos that includes Olancho Visus and Jamastran Visus tobacco from Honduras, along with Ometepe Visus from Nicaragua, and San Vincente Seco leaves from the Dominican Republic. The flavor profile consists of rich and velvety notes of leather, salted nuts, coffee, sweet spices, and hints of dark chocolate, which maintain their presence in waves throughout this well-built, full-bodied cigar. Take home the magic of Davidoff today in these totable five packs, which are the prelude to your next big box purchase—especially at prices like these.
Zino are a premium line of cigars from the Davidoff group, which means guaranteed quality and the finest sourced tobacco in the world. This particular addition to the wildly popular Zino Platinum-Z Class, dubbed Zino Nicaragua, is a 5x54 blend of Ecuadorian seed Connecticut wrapper, a rare Semilla 56 Seco binder from Nicaragua, and long filler tobaccos that includes Olancho Visus and Jamastran Visus tobacco from Honduras, along with Ometepe Visus from Nicaragua, and San Vincente Seco leaves from the Dominican Republic. The flavor profile consists of rich and velvety notes of leather, salted nuts, coffee, sweet spices, and hints of dark chocolate, which maintain their presence in waves throughout this well-built, full-bodied cigar. Take home the magic of Davidoff today in these totable five packs, which are the prelude to your next big box purchase—especially at prices like these.
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  • $170.00 Save$155.01
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  • Length 5
  • Ring 54
  • Wrapper Type Ecuador Connecticut
  • Binder Nicaragua
  • Filler Dominican Republic/Honduras/Nicaragua
  • Origin Honduras
  • Strength Full
  • Wrapper Shade EMS

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