Altezas Reales 1871 Cigars are known for having a traditional Cuban look, and flavor profile, along with having a famous cigarmaker in the world of premium cigars as its founder. The brand was founded by Rafael Cifuentes III. He is the great-grandson of Ramon Cifuentes Llano, who owned and operated the Partagas cigar factory in Cuba during the late 19th Century. Each cigar is handmade at the historic El Titan De Bronze cigar factory in Miami, Florida, using the entubado method where the roller rolls each filler leaf into a straw or tube shape, creating greater air flow. Nicaraguan Viso and Nicaraguan Corojo tobaccos are used for the filler blend, followed by an Ecuadorian binder and a rare Habano Claro Ecuadorian wrapper. I found this to be a solid medium bodied smoke that delivered highly satisfying flavors of spice, leather, cinnamon, and black coffee, all leading to a creamy smooth finish. The overall experience was similar to smoking a genuine Cuban Partagas cigar as was intended by Cifuentes and his team of Cuban born level 10 rollers. I highly recommend Altezas Reales 1871 for every style of smoker looking for a very rich cigar that provides the perfect balance between strength and flavor. Buy some quickly though, because only 1,000 boxes of 10 cigars per box were made!