Las Calaveras 2023 cigars mark the 10th annual release from the wildly popular Crowned Heads Company. These highly anticipated premium cigars usually offer a new blend each year. However, for the 2023 release, Crowned Heads utilizes a Connecticut Broadleaf maduro wrapper that was featured in the 2016 offering. Underneath this dark and oily leaf, is a core of fully aged binder and long filler tobaccos from Nicaragua. The cigars provide a rich medium-to full bodied flavor profile centered around the broadleaf wrappers tasting notes of chocolate and pepper. These signature maduro flavors harmoniously meld with rich layers of cedar, cocoa, and sweet cream. Each Las Calaveras 2023 cigar is expertly handcrafted at the famous My Father Cigars factory in Nicaragua which includes a sampler containing each of the three vitolas in the series, along with a stunning sampler exclusive (5.5 x 52) Belicoso Fino. Las Calaveras is one of the most sought after annual releases in the premium cigar industry today! So, grab a box or sampler now, while you still can, and find out for yourself why these limited edition gems from Crown Heads always sell out so incredibly quickly.