A top-notch collaboration between the highly-esteemed Altadis USA company and expert tobacco cultivator Nestor Plasencia, the Romeo y Julieta 1875 Nicaragua is definitely a favorite of mine and many other respected cigar aficionados across the nation. This Nicaraguan puro exhibits a wonderful full-body, allowing the smoker to be swept away by the incredibly lush tones of hazelnut, earth, toasted almond, and that rich tobacco sweetness. These top-quality vitolas are available in a unique array of sizes such as Bully, Magnum, and Churchill. Wrapped, bound, and filled with aged Cuban-seed tobacco cultivated by the largest tobacco grower in the world, these cigars should be a staple in every humidor. I know for sure mine is not complete without a premium Romeo y Julieta 1875 Nicaraguan vitola.